Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bits and Pieces

I am still in Harare Zimbabwe. The plan was to leave over a week ago but things change. I made a great friend, Cary, and we have been spending the days together while the boys are at work. It can be a bit boring staying at home during the day so we decided to start doing some activities. This morning we went for a horse back riding lesson. It was so much fun! The instructor was wonderful at teaching us how to trot properly and just be on the horse. An english saddle is so much different than western so it was very helpful for me.

My birthday was a great success. Cary treated me to a massage and facial before grabbing drinks. At the restaurant the manager surprised me with a piece of cake, it was really sweet of him. Then we went to Houari's house where he had made a traditional Algerian meal for everyone. Several of his friends and coworkers were there and my friend David was able to come too. After dinner Houari brought out the cake he had specially made for me in the shape of 26. It was great! We all went out dancing after that and had a wonderful time.

I had been wanting to go to a local place so the other night Houari, Shiona, and I went to a local bar with a live band. The music was pretty good and the singer was hilarious! He kept belting into the microphone and dancing all crazy with his legs all over the place. It was fantastic to watch. There was a second place next door having reggae night so we went to check that out. There was a great band that did a few Bob Marley covers.

I got together with my friend David the other day and we went to the movie theatre. I had really really been wanting to watch a movie on the big screen so it was wonderful to finally have the opportunity. We saw the Tourist with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. I actually really enjoyed it.

I am getting a bit sick of Harare. I have been here for about three weeks! It is great to make friends, have dinner parties and see the many different sides of the city, but it is time to go. If I can pull myself away from the routine that I have developed here I will be headed to Malawi on Saturday.

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